Core Value Respect

Core Value Respect

The core value for this month is Respect and the character Strength is Social Intelligence.

Here are some ideas on how the concepts may be explained to your child.

For Ages 4-6:
  • Use simple language and relatable examples: Explain social intelligence as "being a good friend."
  • Focus on basic concepts: Talk about sharing, taking turns, being kind, and saying "please" and "thank you."
  • Use games and activities: Play games that involve cooperation and teamwork, like building a tower together or playing a board game.
  • Read books: Choose books with characters who demonstrate good social skills, like sharing, empathy, and problem-solving.
For Ages 7-9:
  • Introduce the concept of empathy: Explain that empathy is understanding how others feel.
  • Talk about body language and tone of voice: Discuss how these things can affect how others perceive us.
  • Role-play different scenarios: Practice how to handle different social situations, like resolving conflicts or making new friends.
  • Encourage self-awareness: Help children understand their own emotions and how they might affect others.
For Ages 10-12:
  • Discuss the importance of active listening: Explain how to listen attentively and respond thoughtfully.
  • Talk about different communication styles: Discuss verbal and nonverbal communication, and how to choose the right approach for different situations.
  • Explore the concept of perspective-taking: Help children understand how to see things from another person's point of view.
  • Encourage critical thinking: Ask children to think about the consequences of their actions and how they might affect others.
Jan 15
Parent Teacher Meetings
Jan 16
Parent Teacher meetings
Feb 03
Bank Holiday
Feb 17
Mid-Term Break
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01 843 8266
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