Mission Statement and Ethos

St Catherine’s National School is a co-educational Catholic primary school which strives to provide a well-ordered, caring, happy and secure atmosphere. The intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral and cultural needs of the pupils are identified and addressed.

In St Catherine’s NS, we feel it is important the all members of our school community have a voice. While fostering our Catholic ethos, we pride ourselves on being a multi-cultural school and are very aware of the importance of inclusion of all our nationalities and creeds.

In St Catherine’s we aim to foster each child’s development in a caring and supportive environment where:

  • all individuals are valued
  • everyone achieves their full potential
  • co-operation is encouraged
  • effort and achievement are recognised and encouraged
  • similarities and differences are respected
  • learning is enjoyable and challenging
  • partnership with parents, school, the Church and the community is welcomed

We aim to provide a balanced and broad curriculum relevant to the needs of each child so that they can learn:

to plan and evaluate their own work

  • to make informed choices
  • to learn from their mistakes
  • to evaluate and assess their own progress
  • to respect and care for themselves, for others and for the environment

and become:

  • literate and numerate
  • effective speakers and listeners
  • creative, questioning and observant
  • active, independent learners
  • caring and responsible members of the school community

Déanfar gach iarracht Gaeilge a usáid tríd na scoile.

Feb 17
Mid-Term Break
Mar 17
St. Patrick's Day
Mar 18
School Closed
Apr 11
End of Term 2
Kenure, Rush, Co. Dublin
01 843 8266
© 2025 St. Catherine's National School