Ms Kavanagh's choir, Mr McGrath's Ukulele orchestra and Mr Hegarty's Band have been very busy this first term. With performances in the Lark Theatre, Balbriggan and a fundraising concert in the school's hall in collaboration with the Rush Musical society.

In term one the Senior classes participated in an African drumming work shop and performed in the Lark Theatre.

🎅🎄The Ukulele orchestra and choir will help turn on the Christmas lights in Rush on November 30th. Pop down and see them perform it’s always a fun, festive occasion.🎅🎄
The choir, Ukulele orchestra and band participate in an Annual Choral Festival which was first hosted by St Catherine's NS and for the past two years has been held in The Lark Theatre Balbriggan.
The residence of Rush Nursing home enjoying a Christmas Concert.